As a food producer of high-quality bone broth, we believe that the best thing you can do for your baby is to make your own baby food. As a new mom myself, I understand the importance of giving your baby the most nutrient-dense food possible. That’s why we recommend considering homemade baby food as an option for our customers who are already using our protein-rich bone broth.

Making your own baby food may seem time-consuming, but with the right tools and preparation, it can be quick and easy. Plus, the benefits are well worth the effort. Here are five reasons why we believe you should consider making your own homemade baby food:

Control over ingredients

1. When you make your own baby food, you have complete control over the ingredients that go into it. You can choose organic or biodynamic fruits and vegetables, high-quality meats and fish, and healthy fats like avocado or coconut oil. This means you can avoid any unwanted additives or preservatives that might be found in store-bought baby food.

Nutrient density

2. Commercial baby food is often made with high heat to sterilize and preserve it, which can reduce its nutrient content. Homemade baby food, on the other hand, can be made with minimal processing, which preserves the nutrients in the ingredients. You can also use bone broth instead of water to add additional nutrients to the puree.

Better taste

3. Let’s face it, store-bought baby food often lacks flavor and variety. When you make your own baby food, you can experiment with different combinations of fruits, vegetables, and meats to create unique flavor profiles that your baby will love. Plus, homemade baby food is fresher and tastes better than store-bought.


4. Making your own baby food can be more cost-effective than buying it. By buying fresh ingredients in season and in bulk, you can save money and make a large batch of baby food that can be frozen for later use.


5. Making your own baby food can also be a more eco-friendly option. You can buy ingredients from local farmers or markets, reducing the carbon footprint of transportation. Additionally, you can avoid the waste associated with store-bought baby food packaging.

When it comes to the difference between organic whole ingredients and store-bought baby food, it’s important to note that even organic baby food that’s been processed and packaged for long shelf life may not be as nutrient-dense as fresh, homemade baby food. Additionally, store-bought baby food often contains fillers, additives, and preservatives that you may not want to give to your baby.

To sum up, if you are a parent who wants to provide your baby with the most nutritious and healthy food, making your own baby food can be an excellent choice. By putting in a small amount of effort, you can create appetizing and nourishing food that your little one will enjoy.

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